A Guided Ayurvedic Lifestyle Cleanse

October 2nd-11th, 2024

Cleansing in the Fall season offers a time to release accumulated heat after a long summer while balancing and nurturing Vata dosha. In a society that rarely slows down, this seasonal transition can bring feelings of anxiety and agitation with it. Popping and cracking in our joints, bloating, constipation, dry skin, and red eyes can be physical signs that it’s time to support the body to come back into balance. Where our Spring Renewal Cleanse focuses on deeper cleansing and releasing excess water to balance Kapha, this fall home cleanse is about reducing excess heat, rebuilding your digestive fire, rejuvenating your tissues and building up your vitality for winter. 

Align Your Body & Mind With Autumn

In this 10-day Ayurvedic lifestyle cleanse, reset your digestion and discover new tools for healthier habits that will nourish and align you with Fall’s rhythms. With a step-by-step cleanse manual and learning platform, live orientation meeting and curated group forums, you’ll learn how to upgrade your diet and build an Ayurvedic lifestyle at home.


  • 1 live/recorded orientation meeting and Q&A with your host, Claire, to guide you through the stages of the cleanse
  • A comprehensive cleanse program with step-by-step seasonal cleanse plan, menus, easy-to-follow recipes and holistic self-care tools
  • Blank shopping lists, intention setting worksheets, journaling and meditation guides, wellness resources
  • Digestion-boosting home yoga practice sheets + meditation audios
  • Access to private online cleanse community group
  • Unlimited email support

Stage One

In stage one, begin to naturally detoxify and nourish your body and mind through holistic rituals of self-care and dietary upgrades that gently prepare for your deeper cleanse work in stage two.

Stage Two

In stage two, embark on three days of Ayurvedic kitchari cleansing, learning the ins-and-outs of this nourishing mono-diet to reboot your digestion and give rest to your whole system.

Stage Three

In stage three, focus on rejuvenation and rebuilding a healthy diet and lifestyle to nourish you post-cleanse, integrating all the tools you’ve learned to transition into the new season with a deeper sense clarity and balance in your seasonal wellbeing.



“If you are looking for a higher shift to a healthier mind, body and spirit, you will not be disappointed by Claire and her Seasonal Renewal Cleanse. Claire has developed a comprehensive program that provides all the tools necessary to teach you how to get on track, and stay on track, even after the cleanse is over. Her unconditional support and willingness to share her abundance of knowledge and recipes, links to other sources, self-discovery worksheets, daily rituals and bits of wisdom and inspirations gives one all the information to reflect and truly learn to create a healthier lifestyle. Everything she does is with pure and positive energy, upgrades and learning how to be mindful. After my last cleanse I actually felt like I was vibrating at a higher frequency and everything outdoors appeared more vivid and sharp to me.” -Amy, Alaska

“This experience was so much more than a cleanse. It was truly a chance to upgrade my lifestyle, get rid of old habits & learn so much about my body and well being. Throughout the cleanse, Claire was attentive, incredibly knowledgeable and had endless resources to help you along your own intimate path both physically and emotionally. As a yoga teacher, this cleanse changed the practice of my life on and off the mat. I think a cleanse like this is absolutely vital for anyone and everyone looking to better their value of life and overall well being.” –Mona, Oklahoma

“Claire has designed such an incredible space for people to learn, grow, and upgrade their lives. Every time I join for one of her cleanses I gain a new appreciation for food and more importantly, myself! I get creative in the kitchen, I slow down, I focus on self-care, rest, reflection, growth, and balance! It's always such a wonderful gift!” -Andrea, Washington


What is an Ayurvedic lifestyle cleanse?

A simple Ayurvedic home cleanse aims to balance agni. Agni, means fire, and in this case directly refers to our metabolic fire, the strength of our ability to digest what we take in. This includes our diet, of course, but also our experiences in life. A simple way to improve agni is to fast or eat lightly for short periods of time. This cleanse uses principles of Ayurveda to help you get back in touch with your body, teaching you fundamental tools for boosting digestion, creating a healing diet, and holistic body care routine that keeps the body, mind and spirit balanced through the spring. In this 10-day home cleanse, you’ll learn the in-depth knowledge on holistic nutrition and seasonal wellness through a series live webinars and daily emails that guide you through a whole food plant-based cleanse at home. You’ll also learn simple yoga practices to balance the body and boost digestion, meditation tools to take with you even beyond your cleanse. By the end of this 3-part cleanse, you’ll leave feeling clean, clear and strong as you kick off the new season.

What is kitchari and how does it work?

Kitchari is a simple cleansing meal made of a combination of mung beans, rice and spices. Eaten at times when the immune system is compromised or for special seasonal cleansing purposes, you can think of kitchari as the Ayurvedic (and vegetarian!) equivalent to chicken noodle soup. Kitchari is a simple one pot meal that kicks up the metabolism and supports the immune system. This dish is easy to make and to digest, allowing the body to use less energy on digestive functions, and more on clearing and metabolizing ama (toxins) from the body. The combination of rice and mung beans makes a complete protein, meaning you will get enough nutrients to sustain a restful daily routine from this dish alone. The spices like ginger, turmeric, coriander, cumin and fennel, are anti-inflammatory and cleanse the blood, burn up toxins and improve agni. It is also alkaline for the body, assisting in lowering acidity of the blood and creating overall balance in our bodies. Beyond kitchari, this program also includes a robust recipe book with cleansing alternatives to kitchari that still aim to restore your digestive fire.

Do I need a juicer or any special kitchen tools?

This is a whole food-based program, so no juicer or fancy kitchen equipment is required for this cleanse.  The only tools you’ll need are your favorite knife, some cooking pots, an oven, and an open mind! While I do provide some recipes in your recipe booklet that use a juicer and blender, these are optional and are not required to complete your cleanse experience.

Can I join if I live outside the US?

Absolutely! This Vidya Living Cleanse Community welcomes friends from around the globe. Our cleanse groups hail from all over US, Mexico, Peru, Portugal, France, South Africa and Japan, to name just locations of past participants! With our online program, we’re happy to have you walk the cleanse journey with us and share your unique experience from anywhere in the world.

Do I have to follow the group timeline?

No, you do not have to follow the exact dates outlined by the group program. If you have a busy work week, travel plans coming up or simply can't make the live orientation meeting, no problem! All meetings are recorded and you'll have access to the content to watch and move through the program at your own pace. Once you purchase the cleanse, you'll be able to download your handbook and materials to refer back to again at any point.

Do you offer payment plans?

We do offer payment plans for those in financial need. Please contact us for more info!

What about refunds?

Full refunds are available until September 25th, after this date all purchases are non-refundable once the program is open.