Living Ayurveda Immersion

Learn Ayurveda, Season-by-Season

Starts January 19th, 2025

I like to think of Ayurveda as a language that helps you describe the natural world and your relationship to it. The food you eat, how you breathe and move your body, and the way you live each day, are all ways in which to come home to yourself. Ayurveda teaches you how to care for your body and mind through the many seasons and cycles of life. 

In this year-long immersion, you will learn the foundational principles of Ayurveda and how to practically integrate them into your life. You can expect monthly live group learning meetings, interactive group mentorship circles, a robust resource library of audios, videos, recipes and worksheets, and a supportive community alongside you each step of the way!

Come Home To Yourself

Ayurvedic living is not only deeply nourishing, it aligns your body and mind with nature. When you learn the language of your body, your experience of life is limitless.

Using my book Living Ayurveda as a guide, we will dive deeply into each section and season bringing the material to life, in a very real, practical and digestible way.

The goal, to inspire you with self-inquiry practices, recipes, remedies and rituals to implement at home—so you feel confident taking Ayurvedic concepts and embodying them in the kitchen, on your yoga mat, and beyond.

The Perks of the Program

Live Learning Sessions

Join in for monthly live learning sessions with Claire to explore Ayurveda through timely seasonal themes and digestible key action steps you can take away from each meeting to build your Ayurvedic routines, rituals and home practice.

Interactive Mentorship Circles

Check in each at the transition of the seasons with our group and receive personal guidance during our group mentorship circles. This is where we expand on the practices, navigate real life challenges and grow together as a community in our practices.

Exclusive Resource Library

Support your home practice with an extensive resource library of yoga videos, guided meditations, cooking demos, self-care planners, seasonal recipes, menu ideas, shopping lists, and more!

Supportive Sangha

Join an amazing group of like-minded home practitioners to share practice tips, stories and inspiration along your path. Through Community Forum, Member Spotlights and Group Buddies, you'll meet new friends, have accountability and create meaningful community with us.

All-Access Pass

When you join, you receive an all-access pass to the entire library of Living Ayurveda learning content for the full year, so you can learn anytime, anywhere, at your own pace.

Bonus Book Copy

Sign up by 12/31 for a bonus hardcover copy of the Living Ayurveda book mailed right to your door to accompany your year of Ayurveda. Members get 30% off of books throughout the program year.

How It Works

Live Monthly Learning Meetings: 

We start the immersion with an energetic live group kick-off meeting on January 21st! From there, we'll meet once a month on Sundays to explore new learning topics, expand your knowledge, and deepen your inner wisdom with embodied practice! You'll take away accessible action tips and digestible home practices to apply to your life each month, along with new course content to explore between our meetings. There will be 12 live monthly meetings throughout the year. All live meetings are recorded. 

Interactive Group Mentorship Circles:

Join these invaluable interactive group mentorship circles to deepen your experience of essential Vedic tools, spend time connecting with the community and share personal stories within our group discussions. This is where we can navigate real life challenges together and explore how we’re implementing these practices into our everyday lives. These circles are also a time to set intentions and recenter our focus at key times of the year. There will be two mentorship circles to support our group through the seasonal transitions.

Supportive Sangha:

Join an inspiring group of like-minded practitioners to share practice tips, stories and accountability along your path. Connect through our community forum, get paired with a small group Practice Pod for accountability throughout the year, meet during live group mentorship meetings and listen to inspiring interviews from our Member Spotlight features.

Extra Perks!

As a member of this program, you receive discounts on Private Consultations and group courses, including the Ayurvedic Kitchen Cooking Courses and Seasonal Renewal Cleanses.

A Peek Inside the Immersion

  Welcome to the Program!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  January: Setting the Stage
Available in days
days after you enroll
  February: Learning the Language of Ayurveda
Available in days
days after you enroll
  March: Establishing Your Inner Rhythm & Daily Routine
Available in days
days after you enroll
  April: Balancing Kapha Dosha & Spring Rhythms
Available in days
days after you enroll
  May: Tending to Your Inner Fire
Available in days
days after you enroll
  June: Nourishing Food Practices
Available in days
days after you enroll
  July: Balancing Pitta Dosha & Summer Rhythms
Available in days
days after you enroll
  August: Cultivating Prana with Mindful Movement
Available in days
days after you enroll
  September: Supporting Sleep & Deep Rest
Available in days
days after you enroll
  October: Balancing Vata Dosha & Autumn Rhythms
Available in days
days after you enroll
  November: Nourishing the Senses
Available in days
days after you enroll
  December: Building Ojas & Winter Rhythms
Available in days
days after you enroll

This course is closed for enrollment.

*Registration Opens November 30th, 2024*
Join our waitlist to be first notified for early enrollment!


“Yoga and Ayurveda have become such a huge industry, it’s rare to find someone with a unique authentic voice like Claire’s. And someone that put’s in so much care, love and detail to pass on the knowledge, and at the same time walks the talk.”

Isabelle, Switzerland

"I am an Ayurvedic chef and this is the most beautiful Ayurvedic book that I have seen. This is not just a cookbook - it's a total guide for Ayurvedic cooking, yoga, and living in rhythm with the seasons."

—Katerina, New York City

"Working with Claire was one of the most pivotal moments in a transitional time of my life. Just a couple of the simple tips and tools she gave me within our first session, I can say with complete confidence, literally changed my life." —Krissy, Vermont

"In one word: INSPIRING. Our time together has given me simple knowledge & truth. My spirit has awoken, and I sense freedom is possible in my body & mind. Claire teaches and gives her all!"

Donna, Texas

“Being fairly new to Ayurveda it was very important for me to learn how to start. There is a lot of information that one can find on the internet and in books but knowing how to tie everything back to my lifestyle was overwhelming. Claire helped me understand these traditional practices and how I can balance them into my busy day.

It was exactly what I was craving."

Olivia, Chicago

"I’m lighter in my body than I’ve been in a long time, I’ve stopped mindless eating, I’m learning what true hunger feels like and that it’s important to FEEL hunger. I’m developing a gratitude I haven’t felt in so long. Whether you are someone who is actively into Ayurveda or want to experiment and find a self care practice that deeply nourishes you—this book!"

—Shuba, Texas

"Before this program, I was struggling with digestive issues and high stress in my life. It was incredible living Ayurveda through the seasons, having support along the way and a sustainable pace of learning. Seeing life through the Ayurvedic lens has brought such a grace and ease in my life I've never seen before. It's brought a newfound appreciation and understanding for how to care for myself in simple ways. I honestly loved every aspect!"

—Paige, Georgia

“After coming out of a long stretch of loss and grief, I wanted to turn my focus back towards myself. This would be my year of self-care! Ayurveda has given me a structure to return to myself and save my sanity every single time I get off track. This year has helped me hone my practices, even during a ton of travel. I’m making better food choices, my monkey mind craziness has calmed down, my sleep has improved significantly, and I look forward to my morning routine. It really has saved my physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.” 

—Robin, Massachusetts

“The most surprising aspect of this past year was bringing Ayurveda into my child's life. I am using these principles to improve her daily diet and shift imbalances I'm observing using my understanding of the elements, like oil massage when she's high energy and ungrounded, or spiced milks and fiber-rich recipes to improve her constipation. The simplest shifts have been so helpful with my daughter!”

—Katie, Pennsylvania

"When I first signed up, I was a bit apprehensive I wouldn't be able to commit to a full year. Now a year later, I'm 40 pounds lighter! I've transformed my whole relationship to food and my body. I'm having fun in the kitchen and trying new foods I've never tried before. I never felt like I was on a diet or restricting myself. Ayurveda has shifted my whole way of thinking about weight loss and what my body needs."

—Virginia, Tennessee

“My biggest benefit was having a year-long commitment to learning. I really enjoyed the seasonal anchor points throughout the year, it always brought me back to my practices and allowed me to learn how I could adjust my dinacharya routine. My favorite aspect was the cooking class and recipes! It helped bring more creativity and fun into Ayurveda, and feel less rigid around food. Things became more applicable throughout the year when I could think about what I needed through the seasons, rather than a strict view of my dosha. Whether you have an Ayurvedic background or are new to this knowledge, there are so many resources to meet you where you’re at.”

—Heather, Vermont

“It was a bit daunting at first to be meeting a group online over the course of a year. I never expected to make such good friends and feel so supported in a community! I was drawn to Ayurveda through my intuition, without knowing anything about it before joining. You provided so much great content and guidance over the course of a year. The whole program felt really unique and special. And now I am continuing on with a practitioner training! 

—Kerry, England

“Claire is so calm and articulate, a true and gifted educator. I loved so many aspects of this program. While I knew I'd love the cooking element, I'm surprised by how much more I loved the philosophy behind the practices! Claire’s philosophy of “take what’s needed to know yourself” was so liberating. I used the knowledge less as a recipe and more as a guide for my own intuition. It helped me carry my spirit in all that I did. ”
—Carole, Michigan


This program is open to all experience levels, no previous knowledge or training needed. We strive to always create an inclusive, safe and uplifting space for all our members. No matter your background or experience level, all are welcome in this work and path.

The program is entirely online, hosted right here on Teachable. You can access the course by computer, tablet or phone. When you sign up, you’ll have your own login to access the course platform, group forum and materials as we move through the seasons and monthly learning sessions together. Live meetings will be hosted through Zoom.

12 live learning sessions and 2 group mentorship circles with Claire, an exclusive library of resources and multi-media content to support your home practice, a supportive community to share the journey with, and ongoing email support from our team.

All live classes will be recorded to watch again at your own pace, and the resource library of practice videos, meditations and materials are available to view at any time. 

All course materials will be available for the whole year, giving you access to all the content through January 15th, 2026.

A year-long all-access membership is $495. You can also add a private consultation package with Claire for a discounted $425 add-on! Payment plans are available for the immersion and consultations. 

Yes we do! We offer scholarships to those in financial need. Please contact us to learn more and apply. We want to make this program accessible to all!

Full refunds are available until January 18th, 2025. After January 19th, the program is non-refundable.

About the Author

Claire Ragozzino is a certified Ayurvedic counselor and yoga instructor with a background in holistic nutrition and natural cooking. Her work is dedicated to bringing yoga, Ayurveda, and nutrition to a modern lifestyle. She is the author of the popular site, Vidya Living, and also writes and photographs for online and print publications surrounding topics of food, culture, and our relationship to nature. Her first book, Living Ayurveda, offers a comprehensive Ayurvedic cookbook and lifestyle guide. Claire works with clients around the globe and leads immersive workshops and retreats.